Monday 7 March 2011


I've known this for a few weeks now, but was sworn to secrecy until today!

I'm going to be an auntie! :)

My older brother's fiance is due on 17th September and they had their first scan today! This is the first baby in my family so everyone is very, very excited!! My mum is knitting constantly!

Currently writing a post for today then I'm back to Glasgow for a week, not taking my laptop so posting might be a bit lacking (unless I steal my sister's laptop at home). It is said brother's engagement part on Saturday and I have 100 cupcakes to bake, so will post lots of photos when I get back. Outfit is still undecided as I've been so busy teaching I've hardly had a chance to look for a dress.

Definitely need to sort out my blogging, I'm just sooo tired! Being in school 7.30am-6.45pm really starts to take it's toll.

Hope everyone is well, although I'm not posting I'm still reading all your blogs!


Tuesday 1 March 2011

As predicted...

... teaching has begun to take over my life! Have a few posts planned for this week but will just need to see how much I manage to get done, annoying, but can't be helped.

If you remember a few posts back I was talking about letter writing (which I've been doing so much of lately living away from my friends and family) and since then I discovered the lovely Gem at Fat Frocks has set up a pen-pal exchange which has been hugely successful, so thanks to her (though it's now closed to new members, sorry!). I'm really excited about having someone new to write to. If anyone else would like to just exchange letters with myself, drop me an e-mail, I'm always looking to get to know new people!

The next post is going to be about my fantastic experience in a delightful little cake shop in London V a truly rubbish dinner in a well known pub chain. I also have a ton of outfits to post that are still on my camera and which I've decided to save for one single '7 days of outfits' post at the end of the week.

Hope everyone's week is going well, I'm trying to catch up with as many of your blogs as I can!

(now back to Y5 planning, yay!)
