Saturday, 29 January 2011

Haitus Over!... and I have a new name...

I completely forgot I even had this blogging account and a whole year has passed since I've logged in, but I can now safely say, I'm back in business. Since I last posted I have become a graduate - I have letters after my name and everything! I never thought I'd be one of those people who would write those letters next to their name, as proof of their brilliance (always thought it was a bit big-headed and in-your-face-ish) but I actually think I'm turning into one of them! Not becoming big-headed-and-in-your-face-ish, but just, proud really that I achieved something, and like, it's kind of who I am now. In case you were wondering, the new addition to my name is in the form of B.Ed (Hons). The (Hons) past is necessary - it's a whole other year added onto the B.Ed part, so it would be rude not to include it. So yes, I'm now officially a teacher and and no longer a student (I hate paying full price in Topshop/Cineword, but not so much as to give up my B.Ed (Hons) unfortunately) which means job hunting!

I am, as I type, getting ready to move to London for several months in the hope of finding a teaching job! Bold move from a recently graduated Glasgow Gal, but a highly necessary one given the current job market, especially in teaching! I hate to sound like one of
those people who moans about the government, but to be honest, they are pretty much ruining this country right now and with it, a lot of innocent, decent folks' lives. I have spent the best part of three months 'job hunting' (and by that I mean literally applying to every available job going and handing out millions of CVs) only to have an inbox full of "Thank you for your application, unfortunately..." e-mails alongside the blatant non-response from employers. It's been less than delightful I can tell you. At present in Glasgow, and I'm probably right in saying Scotland as a whole, there are no teaching jobs. Not a single vacancy. On top of that, there are several hundred (probably more) teachers out there currently unemployed, or living on irregular supply work. This situation is not restricted to the teaching profession either, and worryingly, councils are announcing cuts and subsequent job losses every day. The rate of unemployment in this country is growing at an alarming rate and Mr Cameron/Clegg's wonderful solution... cutting benefits, raising taxes, cutting council budgets and therefore jobs, and to top it all, telling us all to get off our backsides and get a job! Well Mr Con-dem... where are these jobs we're meant to be doing? The majority of unemployed people I know are very actively seeking employment, are very willing to get off their backside and are very sick of the leaders of this country kicking them when they're down and being completely ignorant of the lives of everyday British people! I just wish the people in charge of this country would for once, think about the people they are being paid to serve and who voted (not me though) them in! Give us all a break eh?

With that little rant out of my system, I leave you with my newly painted nails, and the thing that inspired them...

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